Ph: 1-425-890-6873
There’s more to signs than meets the eye. Many companies can manufacture a sign, but Seattle SignCo is a custom business. Our Head of Sales and Sign Concierge, Bart Dellinger, makes sure your signs meet brand and architectural requirements while being up to code.

Bart Dellinger, CEO
Meet Bart
Bart Dellinger runs the show here at Seattle SignCo. He has a long history in sales management — more than 30 years — so he knows what it takes to create signage that pops.
Bart is hands-on, having learned the business from the ground up — from making banners to supervising seasoned installers countless times. He also studied the manufacturing process at UL listed shops to fully understand the process and possibilities of sign making.
His experience in signage dates back to 2003, when he started his first sign business in California. In that time, through all the triumphs and errors, he’s come to realize there are no shortcuts. It’s a custom process requiring knowledge and attention to detail to avoid delayed installations, extra charges and inevitable misunderstandings.
We Are Here for You
We’re disciplined about investing the extra time and care — up front and throughout the process — to make errors a rarity. Our focus is on providing top-quality signs at reasonable prices and to install signs so they are secure, long lasting, eye catching and safe. We’re transparent about our process, keeping you informed every step of the way. It has paid off for everyone involved.
Over the last 15 years, we have installed literally thousands of signs for happy customers, including hundreds of lobby signs, channel letters, way finding signs and digital graphics in all sorts of applications. Our signs are installed across the United States, and inLondon, Shanghai, Sydney and even Tijuana.
Customers range from new businesses, restaurants like 13 Coins and Anar to corporations like eharmony and classmates.com, and retail establishments in indoor and outdoor malls; the list is extensive.
Seattle SignCo is part of a national network of over 300 sign companies and regional firms which gives us access to virtually unlimited manufacturing resources.